星期二, 10月 16, 2007


My 24th Bday~~~ Thank you all for giving me such a happy birthday

Celebrating with Family - My dearest sister and lovey father


 Nice Smiley Fried Rice - would be nice to have such smile on face all the time~~ 

My 2 best friends ~~ you guys are my treasure~~ 

Chocolate Moouse Cake made by Darling, yummy~

1 則留言:

  1. 個cake係你自己整o個個黎嫁
    so sweet喎
    [版主回覆10/28/2007 00:16:00]個cake其實係打令整比我既生日蛋糕, 我同佢一齊整既, 就係上一遍個個黎架~~ 好味~~
    黃衫?? 哈哈哈, 個個係我識左十幾年既好朋友, 唔係我打令啦, 我打令型過佢好多~~呵呵呵~~ (哥哥, 唔好介意, 情人眼裡出西施, 係咁架啦~~)
    餓鬼同松山話我打令似張敬軒, 所以佢地叫佢軒仔囉! 叫下叫下,全公司同事都叫佢軒仔啦~~
