星期六, 11月 24, 2007


Well..... Something is not right inside me.... i need somewhere to express myself. Where is the most comfortable place that i can just yell and yell?? i guess it would be here, with my most comfortable language.... WHO CARES? the person who should be reading this wont come and read it anyway... doesn’t it matter what kind of stupid language that i am writing with?

July 2007, 1st vomit, since then... every Monday/ Tuesday or 1st day of work after holiday... dizziness, cold, vomit, nausea, diarrhea.... feeling no good. Doctor said cos I am depressing from work due to pressure... in deed, I just remembered that you are the 1st lot that I told, still remembered that you were asking me to hunt for an other job.... 4 months later, I was telling you a frd of ours was sick, you sounded so nervous and kept on asking me how she is. At the same time I told you that I am also suffering too, y didn’t you ask me how I feel? Your 1st respond was, 'I am not worrying about you, also you never tell me that you are sick'... SHOCKED...well...but now you know, I am still suffering, I am still expecting from your call, and now come zero.

Wanted to go out somewhere and relax~ cool that you have the same thought as me, and invited me to go somewhere with you, cool then let me start plan on our little journey. Here I come with information on a short trip, oh what? Too short? thought you said you wanted to go, but cant take too many leaves on December, so a short one would be nice ... Oh... realized that you are not interest... oh well, disappointed, so cruel, well, may be next time... SAH... finally realized that cruel caused from the wrong timing call, sorry to disturb you from resting... upset in deed, but never say.

How about a movie? This movie reminds me of mum, I missed mum... hey, you are the person who had been through with me, I am not dare to watch it without you. Please, would you? oh, got rejected... may be you are right, shouldn’t I do something to upset myself... however I see it as doing something for mum, cant i just feeling how mum felt back then? The movie would tell, the lady was so much like mum. I need your support to watch it, and you were the only person who I felt comfortable watching with.

WOW, yeah, confirmed that I am going on a vacation early next year, COOL~ so looking forward to, cant stop myself to share my joy with you at the 1st moment… but, ohohoh, come on, I still so much want to go on vacation with you~ wanted badly… huh? Nonono I am thinking too negative, you wont be angry at me cos of that….wont you? Right?

Upset moment, suddenly received a call, its my lovely sister Angie, oh she is near home, and wanted to come and visit me. Baby you are most welcome, thank you so much for dropping by, and thank you so much for listening to your trouble sister grievance…. I love you, the great sister in the world… went can I move in with you?

When you complain about somebody wont don’t not care you and pay attention on you, please 1st think about how you treat the others, do you care? Do you pay? I give, can I get? I am no longer the stupid girl when you 1st met, I grew after so many passes. Can you please take 1 minus preciously to feel me from heart?

Don’t worry, I just here to grievance……


9 則留言:

  1. 好野呀吓,寫完篇講美容既
    [版主回覆11/25/2007 22:23:00]唔會唔會,唉,我打中文慢丫麻~~ 打英文我可以update得快d, 比你睇多d關於我既事丫麻..
    何況呢篇野.... 唔睇都得啦~~~ 比我申下啦~~

  2. 哇哇哇~全部雞腸
    我完全唔想睇 (其實係睇唔明)
    [版主回覆11/25/2007 22:24:00]睇個句得架啦~~ 最尾個句最重要~~~

  3. where will u go for vacation?
    [版主回覆11/25/2007 22:26:00]Planning to go to Taipei for hotspring, darling said we both need to di-stress... hahaha~~ any good resort to recommend?

  4. no resort recommend ah...sorry...didn't go to Taipei for ages la....i want to go too
    [版主回覆11/26/2007 10:38:00]HA~~ its ok~~ i have never been to taipei, so if you have anything that you think i SHOULD see~~ he~ please let me know~~

  5. i can only think of something that you SHOULD eat! haha...like 手抓餅, 臭豆腐, 腸仔 etc etc
    [版主回覆11/26/2007 23:58:00]多謝你~ 我會努力去讀書架啦... 讀我個本台灣旅遊書呀~~

  6. 如果唔開心搵下我傾計,我願意聽.....你做野壓力大你平時會點發洩架?你都唔好逼自己咁緊呀,你都係o個D做野做到傻o個D??,遲d你同大佬一齊去下旅行輕鬆下,比時間自己抖下,心情都好D啦:p,always with u and support u,加油加油加油啦~
    [版主回覆11/26/2007 23:59:00]係啦.... 我一做野就好投入...... 迫到自己好緊~~ 我會比自己去relax下架啦~~~~

  7. 打blog發洩一下, 都是一件好事. 我全篇讀完了, 明白妳......的確須要發洩一下!
    [版主回覆11/27/2007 00:00:00]多謝你明白我~~ I need your praier~~

  8. Darling, sounds like you are going through some tough time over there, hope you are feeling better now.......  I am coming back to HK on the 9th, let's go out together when I am back~~~~  Really miss you nei......
    [版主回覆11/30/2007 13:40:00]yeah yeah, like to see you on december~~ he~~ lets go out somewhere, and take lots of photos~~ call me~~

  9. wa~~你英文好勁呀!!你係外國大嫁??
    [版主回覆08/09/2009 13:05:00]HEE~係呀~
